Maximum weight of containers

In the chart below you can find the Cargo Gross MT divided by countries. Samskip encourages customers to familiarize themselves thoroughly with the matter as authorities in many countries do not take this offense lightly

For more information, visit the International Transport Forum.

Country Weight Comments
Belgium 26 MT  
UK 23 MT  
Denmark 24 MT  
Finland 26 MT  
France 22 MT  
The Faroe Islands 20 MT  
Greece 22 MT  
The Netherlands 26 MT  
Iceland 25 MT  
Italy 22 MT Train from Novara / Padova / Brescia
Canada 26 MT  
Norway 24 MT  
Portugal 25 MT Ship from Leixoes / Lisbon
Spain 25 MT
22,5 MT
Ship from Bilbao / Vigo
With a car
Switzerland 22 MT  
Sweden 26 MT  
USA 19 MT 42.000 Ibs
Germany 22 MT