Environmental policy
Samskip’s policy is to always be at the forefront of environmental issues. We strive to monitor developments and innovations closely and set clear goals. We measure performance regularly and ensure continuous improvement and progress.

Environmental management
The management strives to minimize the negative environmental impact from all the company's operations. As a leading company, we disseminate knowledge and information on environmental performance to staff, partners, and the community. Acceptable environmental standards and standards are used to ensure success.
We regularly measure energy consumption, utilize environmentally friendly energy sources as much as possible and strive to minimize pollution.
Product and service
We work with the company's production and service processes in accordance with set goals and in a way that considers the effects on nature, the environment and society. We analyse the risks and focus on staff training, preventing accidents and ensuring the right working methods and responses.
Raw materials and resources
When choosing suppliers, tools, and other inputs, we strive to choose environmentally friendly advantages over others. We strive to minimize the use of all consumables and waste.
We strive to ensure that all workspaces are exemplary, safe and tidy. Environmental protection must be considered in the selection and operation of work areas.
Garbage and waste
In the company's operations, the amount of waste and waste material is minimized. We sort, dispose of, and dispose of garbage and waste using environmentally friendly methods in collaboration with authorized parties. We focus on reusing and recycling what is possible.